Training Professional Photographers | Andy Kerr

Need a photography mentor?

As someone that’s involved in photography training for other professional photographers I’m very much aware that we didn’t all start out being great photographers. We all had to begin somewhere and we developed our photography skills as we went along.

There comes a point though, if you’re a professional photographer, when training on photography and having a photography mentor could be exactly what you need to get you to the next level.

Personally, I’ve been trained by one of the most successful wedding photographers in the UK. They have trained over 180 professional wedding photographers around the world, including me.

Andy Kerr Photography Training

Why am I telling you this?

Because if you’re getting married, or a professional photographer, I want you to have absolute confidence in my abilities.

It’s a common misconception that being a great wedding photographer is mostly about having a professional quality camera, and knowing how to use it properly. But there are so many other factors involved in creating amazing images for wedding couples.

Did you know, for example, that ‘reportage’ or ‘natural’ wedding photography actually consists of five key techniques and types of photo?

  1. From a posed shot

  2. Directed

  3. Insets

  4. Cocktail party/drinks reception

  5. Real

There’s only one option in the above list that refers to the ‘being in the right place at the right time’ to capture that spontaneous moment - the ‘Real’ option.

What else?

Being a great wedding photographer also involves huge attention to detail, first-class customer service, being a truly great communicator, quality in everything you do, being a skilled diplomat, understanding body language, and so much more.

My photography mentoring sessions and training sessions cover all of these aspects. Photography mentorship is also about managing your state of mind so that you deliver your best every time the occasion needs it.

If you’re reading this as a photographer you may be wondering ‘is there photography training near me’. I offer online sessions and can travel to you for in-person training session.

And, if you’re reading this as a bride or groom to be, hopefully it’s built your confidence in me as a photographer!

Online sessions

These are 2 hour coaching sessions.

Conducted via FaceTime, Zoom or Google Hangouts, we need to delve a little and get personal. The exact areas that we discuss will depend on your needs. This can include topics from business, marketing, how to get destination weddings, techniques to understand body language and mirroring, how to be more efficient so that you can provide a better level of customer service to your customers, to the layout and effectiveness of your website. This will be at a time that works for both of us.

In person sessions

These are day long in person sessions (Zoom during lockdown)

You want to learn the most effective and efficient ways to use your camera, to really understand light and how to use it, and how to make people look their absolute best. You’ll have all the time you need to sit down with me and ask me all of those nagging questions. We can also cover any of the topics included in the online sessions.