10 Tips to Avoid Overheating on Your Wedding Day

Have you planned a summer wedding?

With outdoor weddings becoming even more popular, most couples plan for a wedding in the summer months to improve the chances of their day being sunny and dry.

However, with our British weather getting more extreme every year, and with the current heatwave, wearing a wedding dress / suit, and the nerves of the occasion, you could find that the heat is just too much.

So, here are 10 top tips to cope with high temperatures on your wedding day…

1. Fans

Fans are a cost effective way to help you and your guests stay cool.

Consider including a fan with each of your wedding programs.

You can even personalise them and/or choose them to reflect your wedding day theme!

2. Shady Seats

Consider having some seats during your ceremony that are placed in the shade, particularly for your more elderly guests and those more vulnerable to the heat.

3. Have a gazebo

Think about having a gazebo within earshot and close to your ceremony location. This way, guests that are finding it too hot and possibly feeling feint can retreat to its cover if they’re finding the heat too much for them.

4. Umbrellas

Most wedding venues keep a supply of white umbrellas on hand for rainy days. Ask you venue if they can make those umbrellas available on your wedding day to keep the sun off.

5. Water and ice

Make sure your venue has plenty of small chilled bottles water available for all of your guests. During your ceremony, consider having them at the end of each seating row in buckets of water and ice.

Keep tubs of ice and bottled water available throughout the day too.

6. Standing only for your vows

Naturally, you’ll prefer to be standing throughout your ceremony, but in extreme heat you may want to assess the situation.

Consider standing only for your vows, or have a couple of chairs very close by in case you begin to feel overwhelmed by the heat. Make sure to chat with your registrar/celebrant before your ceremony so they can whip the chairs into place quickly and easily should you need them.

7. Clothing

Everyone wants to look super-smart for your wedding ceremony, and jackets are regularly part of the look for wedding outfits.

It’s not good though if, because of this, your guests are red-faced and about to wilt.

Think about asking your registrar/celebrant to tell your guests that they are very welcome to take their jackets off. They can always be put back on for your wedding photos later.

8. Cool boxes with damp face cloths

Consider having several large cool boxes that are kept cold with frozen ice packs easily available. Keep damp face cloths in the cool boxes for your guests to take and use.

9. Sun hats

Not all of your guests will be as well organised as you.

A small selection of sunhats for your more vulnerable guests that didn’t bring anything with them to keep the sun off their heads will be very much appreciated.

10. Baskets of essentials

Have small baskets of key essentials available for your guests with useful items such as suncream, antihistamine tables and sunglasses.

Follow some of all of these tips to keep your cool on your wedding day!

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